Unloaded Position Copy

Unloaded Position

Supine lying (on your back), legs bent up to 90 degrees OR lower legs supported on low stool, arms out from side approximately 30-45 degrees, palms up.


Look for compensations:

  • If head tilts back (chin is tilted upward,) support the HEAD by placing folded towels or pillows under the HEAD.
  • If head tilts down (chin is towards the chest,) support the NECK with a towel roll or other support.
  • Some persons will need BOTH the head and neck supported.
  • The hook-lying position is sufficient bend in knees; however, sometimes 90/90 position (over stool/chair) should be used to start the program.

Unloaded Position - Spinal Loading

  • The spine is least compressed in the supine lying position (red arrow). In fact, it is "unloaded" compared to standing. The spine is most compressed in slouched, sitting positions.