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Account Information

Your email will be used as your username
Confirm Email

Contact Information

Work Address

Please type your address here to autofill the following work address fields.

Get listed on the Bone Fit Locator Map

The Bone Fit Locator Map includes the contact information for Bone Fit-trained professionals so patients and clients can connect directly with a professional in their area. Once you pass the course, your contact information will be added to the map. Below, you can adjust what information you would like to be publicly displayed and opt-out if you do not want your information added to the Locator Map.
Select what information you would like to appear publicly on the Locator Map. (This information is related to the Work Address information provided above).

Shipping Address

This is where your Bone Fit™ course manual will be shipped. Please ensure that this is a residential or valid mailing address.
Please type your address here to autofill the following shipping address fields.

Education/Career Information

If you selected other, please specify your type of Discipline.
If you selected other, please specify your University.
If you selected other, please specify your Type of Practice.
If you selected other, please specify your instruction/exercises conducted.
If you selected other, please specify your type of certifications/workshops completed.

Additional Information

All Basics registrants are given a free t-shirt, while clinical registrants receive a free foam roller.
Breakfast and lunch is provided at the workshop.